Despite the frankly negative attitude to the current elections should be noted a quite good results of "Svoboda" social-nationalist party in number of regions. Despite all attempts to bury this nationalist movement, despite arrests the party members and massive informational pressure, initiated by the anti-Ukrainian forces, yesterday, a large part of Ukraine's society has discarded all empty promises at agitation posters and supported the nationalist party, which deeds were more eloquent than words.

Andriy Ilienko, a member of "Svoboda" social-nationalist party expressed his gratitude to supporters: "A year ago these liars and scoundrels attempted to bury us and they thought they did it. They attempted to imprison us during last two months. And what we have in result?

Svoboda's total victory in Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk regions, the nationalist party members won the election of mayor, Svoboda won the elections in the city councils. 

Thanks to everyone, who supported "Svoboda," everything is just begins!"

Ilienko also noted a high results of Svoboda members on the elections of mayor in Lviv, Kyiv and Poltava. 

In general, "Svoboda" was the only nationalist party, who ran for current elections, and its successful results show some positive, pro-nationalist tendencies into the society, which is already tired from a giveaway games, which Poroshenko's government is playing with the enemy and its defeatist policy in general.
